Scheduled Meetings

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Governmental Affairs Committee Regular MeetingSep 23 2024 3:00PMMTL Committee Room & Zoom
Election Commission Certification MeetingSep 23 2024 3:45PMWilmer Peters Judicial Center Conference Room
MIGA Board of Directors Regular MeetingSep 24 2024 4:00PMMCR Convention Center - Eagle Room
WRDC Board of Directors Regular MeetingSep 25 2024 12:00AMTeleconference
Housing Committee Regular MeetingSep 25 2024 3:30PMMTL Committee Room & Zoom
MTE Amended Regular Meeting Regular MeetingSep 25 2024 5:00PMMTE Main Office Board Room
MTL Special Meeting @ MIMS Bldg Special MeetingSep 26 2024 5:00PMMenominee Indian Middle School
Menominee Tribal Police Commission Regular MeetingSep 26 2024 5:00PMMTL Committee Room via Zoom